Jameslad's Blog

God, Life, Anything.

September 29, 2024

Crooked Paths Straightening…

September 29, 2024 0
Crooked Paths Straightening…

Discipline. That’s the word. 

I thank God because my life is getting better and in form. I am not perfect but things are slowly revealing themselves to me. I pray Jesus solves all my problems in His Mighty Name. There is something I just observed and I think I need to work on it as fast as possible. 

Discipline. That’s it. 

I think without the discipline to follow the course of something, one would never master anything. Knowing what to do isn’t enough, the DISCIPLINE to follow through on a daily is equally important as indiscipline is as good as ignorance or lack of knowledge. 

I need to follow Christ because only Him is good to me. I need to specify what kind of life I want to live and follow it through. It gets better with time as I follow through with what I want and it gets difficult if I don’t as I am locked into other habits.

As a forex trader, I also observed that without discipline in following stern laid-out rules will ALWAYS result in losses, no matter how many times one ties. It’s visible because it’s a number’s business. What about life habits and mentality that are not obvious and develop inside? It means they compound to have bad life experiences overall. 

So this is it, may God help me to be disciplined to fear Him and keep His commandments, live the kind of life I want to live, and follow through with laid down rules set to achieve the goals I want. 

May God give me the grace to be debt-free before this year 2024 runs out and be more disciplined and focused. 


September 23, 2024

It's Not Too Late

September 23, 2024 0

Oh boy!
Life moves so fast and reality catches us no matter how you circumvent things. When I started this blog around 2017 when I gave my life to Christ, I was a teenager, a young student seeking admission to tertiary institutions, and a super positive person trying to get life right.

Fast forward to today, I am 24, have a girlfriend, no savings, about $2500 in debt and haven't figured my life out yet regarding income, life patterns, skill set and much more. I drifted away from Christ and thought I could do it on my own. I thought all the feats I achieved while I am closely connected were entirely through my sleepless nights, dedication, persistence and resilience which it was, but with Jesus being the Chief Foundation.

As I even write this, I sit adjacent to one of my creditors at work and I need to pay up today. This time tomorrow, I have to pay a little above what I owe who I sit adjacent to, to my elder brother. I live a very complicated life and it somehow gets more complicated as days go by. 

I could write about my bad habits coupled with obnoxious thoughts that dominate my mind the vast majority of the time but all of these things aren’t a pride so why spew more?

Someone once said, “Any life without Christ would be in crisis” and sadly I am experiencing the mal. Suicide has crossed my mind severally and sometimes when I have the patience to read through what I wrote 5-7 years ago, I am usually struck with the awe of how vast and immensely profound I used to be and how far I had fallen. 

I titled this, “It’s Not Too Late” because I know Jesus fixes all things. Ugly, yes but not irreparable. I sincerely don’t know how to transverse this debt phase or survive this week but I know I can’t get it wrong with God. This is time for rededication. Time for revival. 

I am kept alive for reasons and maybe this is one: to prove to myself that only God can rule my life in a way that would benefit myself and my family in the long run, and be an inspiration to others that God can literally fix anything because I know and believe that  He has fixed me. 

Jameslad is quite older now but still Jameslad anyway. It’s great to be back in God’s manifold flock.

Welcome to Revival.

January 09, 2023

Have a Trail

January 09, 2023 1


“Blessed is the man that WALKETH not in the counsel of the wicked, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor…and he shall be like a tree planted by the streams of water, that bringeth forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf doth not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.” (Psalms 1:1-3)(My emphasis)

There is something unique and peculiar to all living beings. Up from the moment we were born, every one of us has a  fingerprint so unique to us. It’s not identical and it is an essence of us. That’s exactly how our journey is in life: it’s so unique and personal to us. It’s not identical to another person’s and whether we like it or not, we are on this journey. 

In our course of life journey, it is expedient we do not joke with our trail, footprints, or essence. It speaks a lot about us even long after we aren’t present. Just as we didn’t choose to embark on this life journey but we all meet ourselves here on earth, so is it with our trail: we don’t choose it, it naturally reflects us. When we join an organization, circle, or environment, do we bring anything to the table? Do the people see God through us? Do our actions speaks so clearly that people change their ways?

Many a time we do not learn anything even though we are lectured for hours. However, examining a person’s conduct can be far more convincing. If our trails are not worthy of following, how can we win souls with our words? How can we inspire people to be the best versions of themselves?

Conclusively, the Word spoke so well about those that have a good trail. The above Psalms even mentioned that, “and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.”  I believe we all want to prosper in all we do. Let’s endeavor to have a good trail.  

Stay blessed ❤️

January 05, 2023

“Not Slothful In Business”

January 05, 2023 2

“Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord;” (Romans 12:11)

“The soul of the sluggard desireth, and hath nothing: but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat.” (Proverbs 13:4)

We all have desires. We all crave something. Whether we are content with the little we got or greedy for more, the point remains that we all want something. 

However often time, to acquire all we desire, we look to the other side of the scale. We focus on the goal mostly instead of the process. We focus on the dream so much that we forgot to sleep. We are sold on the vision that we don't even know how to get there. 

“Not slothful in business.” Let's look at this analogy: a basketball team. If the team wants to win a championship league, do they focus on the scoreboard or the team play? Most certainly, they focus on playing so well while the scoreboard and points take care of themselves. Similarly, in the words of a Genius, “you don't get results by focusing on results. You get results by focusing on the actions that produce results.”

Beloved, let's get to work and master our crafts. Let's not procrastinate or waste time building up ourselves. Delays in results aren't a denial of them but if you fail to work, what result would you expect?

I wish you a highly productive week!

January 02, 2023

Some Awakening As We Approach The New Year

January 02, 2023 2


“…and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)

Happy new year everyone. May this new year be our best one yet. I pray that we achieve all we genuinely set our hearts upon, In Jesus' Name. 

As we approach this new year, many of us are already planning to carry out the set plans for the year or the “traditional” resolutions, which there is absolutely nothing wrong with. However, beyond goals, plans, and vision, we always keep our bearing right. 

The above verses affirmed that we do not belong to ourselves: we are not ours. Yes, our visions, dreams, and goals are most probably for our benefit but we need to understand that what makes us living beings is more than these things. Our life is like a plane flying from Lagos, Nigeria heading to Florida, US. Yes, we paid for the flight, however, if we do not allow the plane to move in the set bearing by the pilot, we will never make it to Florida. We would keep flying randomly till we are eventually out of aviation fuel. 

The same applies to our lives, we could fly so high with our wisdom and strength, however without the right pilot setting our lives on the right course, we would get frustrated after flying so high but getting nowhere or eventually implode because we are out of aviation fuel

This is no religious or motivational talk: Let's get things real and personal, We need to set things right in our lives. This is an awakening as we approach this lovely new year. Get your bearings right, and get the pilot right on board. 

May God make this year super prosperous for us more than in previous years. Have a great day everyone.

May 30, 2022

Opportunity, Consistency and Focus

May 30, 2022 1


Hi, it’s been a while. I’ve been away not because I was busy: I’ve been away because I had been drifting. And that brings me back with this subject, “opportunity, consistency and focus.”

The order of words don’t matter—it popped into my mind earlier as, “consistency, opportunity and focus”—words are just words: what matters is what we make of them.

Now let’s get to the subject matter without wasting time. What does this trio mean in my context? Well, personally, I’ve come across many opportunities—which I took, however didn’t take full potential of them hitherto. Am I happy about that? Absolutely not. 

If this could be my mistake which I’m rectifying, I felt the urge to pass it to many probably in the same sinking ship or another contemplating purchase of a ticket to another epic Titanic.

Dear Reader, whether you agree or not, you are presented with opportunities. As a matter of fact, your existence everyday is an opportunity to make wrongs right, smash your horizon and take a bold step. “I wish I were…” scratch that! What on earth are you doing with the little opportunities presented to you? Moreover, spotting opportunities aren’t enough, are you consistent in line with what you are presented with? This whole thing might look like another motivational hogwash on the internet but I implore you to ask yourself this question, “what is that one thing I have been consistent with since the beginning of this year?” 

Spotting an opportunity, being consistent with the craft and sole focus on mastering the heck off it is about all we need to achieve all we want. Lemme tell you a short story, 

Back in ‘98, there were no iPhones. No Google, no Wi-Fi, no Snapchat, Netflix, YouTube or PayPal. The next decade boom! Fast forward to today, these inventions are almost indispensable in our daily lives. 2021 starts a new decade and the question is what will you bring to the table? Can you work on your idea for 3 months? 1 year? Is it mere passion or a deeply rooted habit?

Urrgh my pen hand is aching already. Well, please pick the points. Spotting an opportunity isn’t enough: you gotta work ok it every single day and focus on it alone! Make your dreams come alive keep the fire burning. That’s it fellas.  Love ❤️ 

PS: “Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise….” (Proverbs 17:28)

I’m pretty sure we’re all wise. What’s keeping us from shutting the noise and staying focused?

January 15, 2021

The Year Is Far Spent

January 15, 2021 6

Happy new year. Well, this is a rude awakening—an odd calling. It's mid-January and I'm wishing a new year; Like the anonymous Chinese that suggests that one should carry an umbrella even when the sky is clear, I'm simply doing my thing even if it's different.

As years go by and by, we are often wired with the tradition of setting resolutions, goals, and other checklists. Now it's mid-month, how far have we gone?

If every one of us reviews his or her past resolutions and goals, we would realize that if we had honestly followed them, then today we would be telling a more exciting and different story. However, here we are today and yes, we’ve got our alibis for the chances we didn't take or inaction. 

Dear Friend, it's mid-month and this year won't be any different from the previous ones if we are not. Days keep on counting and if nothing changes in us, if we are not wired to achieving our goals, then nothing changes.  It's that simple. 

Going a bit further, what usually makes us drift away from our goals is most probably the better opportunities, skills, or options we spot. Maybe the great opportunity doesn't work our  way, we seek another and another till eventually, the initial goals vanish off our mind. 

So let's check this analogy on  how we can fix this. If we want to cook a delicious meal, we go about buying the recipe and preparing it because we are certain the heat the stove or cooker gives is sufficient to get it done. So, if we could just place our beliefs on something sure and unwavering, even if we are rough around the edges, we can be sure that we would be triumphant. Then, Reader, I am suggesting that you should center your life, decisions, beliefs, and hope on something sure. 

I believe the Creator of my life knows enough information about life than I do. So, I believe it's wise to cast my worries, thoughts, opinions and cares on Him. And His assurance keeps me going. And it will keep you going too. You don't need many resolutions—the solution is right there with you in a few spoken words away...