God, Life, Anything.

August 24, 2020

The Issue Of Morals & Spirituality In The 21st Century

We need a new lens through which we see the world 

I don’t like to discuss this because this is not an acceptable subject. However, it is an important one. We may try our best to ensure that we circumspect the issue whenever we are dragged into it, however, we only break ourselves against the law as the law can’t be broken

Living in the 21st century comes with a very broad advantages—a lot of privileges our forefathers never had a glimpse of. We can have breakfast in Lagos, Nigeria and dinner in Florida, US; our speeches and texts can span across continents all in a matter of seconds; we can make money just moving cursors around a computer screen while basking in the summer sun…all these comforts and privileges are endless and had just barely begun.

In a world hyper concerned about the “latest” and “trends”, it’s fast becoming a faux pas that in lieu of these comfort and gadgets to help us achieve our dreams faster, it rather compound our problems. Many are so concerned with upgrading their iPhones that they now live for phones. So is it with cars; so is it with getting sex partners. All these things—to acquire them—burns down to money. So we all start chasing the dough. If you need a theme for our 21st century, just call it the money race.

I’m not here saying gibberish hogwash like money ain’t good or all that. In fact, everyday I hustle to achieve financial freedom which I will have soon. However, we’ve fast forgotten our values, what we stand for. We’ve fast forgotten that there’s more to life. 

Money is such a beautiful servant but a poor master. Today, money masters us all. Relationship is monetised, marriage, loyalty, think of it, virtually everything is. I know many of us can be like what’s life use without money, however, let’s check out the lives of our “mentors” that always chased the bag:

  • Many of them are either bisexual or homosexual
  • Many of them are living on drugs
  • Many are divorced, can’t maintain a marriage for 2 years
  • Many of them die young

While we are all chasing the bag and all that, it’s better we think of where we are heading with all the noise. In my own personal opinion, I think it won’t sustain us for long. We might amass a reasonable amount of money, however, most people would be suicidal, as pressing issues will arise which money can’t solve. Moving forward, we can all make it really big yet still being responsible, offering reasonable services and raising future leaders. Most “chasers of the dough” aren’t anywhere near 5% of Bill Gates’s wealth, yet their lives is as doomed as the word doom itself. We need a rethink, we need a new lens through which we see the world.

We can’t cut corners as far as morals is involved. We can’t neglect spirituality to marijuana “high”. These are the Universe Laws which must followed. It will catch up later, if it doesn’t now. While I am not asking you to be a saint, I am not asking you to be a sinner either.
Have a blessed week ❤️


  1. This is awesome.

    The 'Loyalty is now Monetized' part got me...and it's a sad truth.

    Nice work brother, I'm expecting more👍

  2. This is a very mind-blowing piece the contemporary issue in the world at large needs to be addressed with urgency

    1. Yessir, I couldn’t agree more. Thanks a lot for your view.

  3. Good Job, We need more of this enlightenment in our everyday life

    1. Thanks a lot for your comment. I appreciate you ❤️

  4. If a so call popular entertainer can say his most fair in life is not getting to eternal, why then should we not pursue there and neglect frivolities.. Keep up brov

    1. Yeah true, you’ve said it all. Thanks a lot for your view 🙏

  5. Them words sting like bees

    Good one my man

  6. This is fire man

    Gidigbi on here
