God, Life, Anything.

November 10, 2020

The Greatest Life Lesson 2020 Taught Me

Pride goeth before destruction, And a haughty spirit before a fall.” (Proverbs 16:18)

2020 has been one of the toughest years so far. It features so many dramas, acts, scenes and stories. The biggest of all the dramas of the year is the corona virus pandemic. It killed people like flies. Many important people died, protests occurred, complete restructure of things, and list goes on…

Of course, the year brought blessings to many as well as curses. It lifted many and broke many. If you’re alive to read this, I presume you’ve survived thus far: Congratulations! Only favoured people pull through anyway.

One of the weirdest thing also happened to me personally this year and that taught me a lesson I’d never forget. It also affirm the above biblical quotation to be plausible—a haughty spirit before a fall. This might probably be a cliché to you but it’s soundness in the world today is a good as when it was first stated.

Regardless of the situation we are, whether we have more or little, humility should be our way of life. Humility should never depart from us. We should never brag even if what we’ve got is superior. We should always keep the fire burning inside us and just show the world what we’ve built with it. This may be another cliché, however, it must be never joked with.

The reason why this is my greatest lesson for the year is this: that for every proud and haughty entity, destruction lies await and for every humble spirit and entity, uplift awaits such. May we have the grace to choose wisely. Remain blessed ❤️ 

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