God, Life, Anything.

August 13, 2017

Who Rules Your World?

"As the living Father hath sent me,
and I live by the Father: so he that
eateth me, even he shall live by me."(John 6:57, KJV)
"For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his
commandments are not grievous."(1 John 5:3, KJV)
As we have received Christ into our hearts, we know that we have
received our liberty from the law of death but, we just start a
warfare. The Bible let us understand that our "...adversary the devil,
as a roaring lion,
walketh about, seeking whom he may
devour:"(1 Peter 5:8, KJV). Hence, the devil is always looking for a
way to let's us flip backward.

It then becomes a tug of war if we are not truly "filled with the
Spirit". We then keep struggling in lieu of rejoicing! Brethren let
me ask you who rules your heart? Who rules your life? Who rules your
world? Remember the parable of the 10 virgins our Saviour told us: the
10 virgins were actually virgins; they had lamps; they were all
asleep. It was on the hour the Bridegroom arrived that the foolish
ones knew they are holding a lamp without oil. Mmm, holding a riffle
without ammo. What's the "ammo" I'm talking about here? The Word of

"So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing the word of God."(Romans
10:17, KJV) As we all know, without faith it is impossible to please
God because the just shall live by faith. "Wherefore lay apart all
filthiness and
superfluity of naughtiness, and receive
with meekness the engrafted WORD(my emphasis),
which is able to save your souls."(James 1:21, KJV) So that we won't
end up like the 5 foolish virgins, we have to let His Word rules our
world. He who has the Son has the Father and as we all know, Jesus is
the Word.

In a nutshell, let Jesus Christ rule your world. Have a blessed week ahead.

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