God, Life, Anything.

February 17, 2018

It Is Dangerous

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. However, true Love
casts out fear. These remained blurry to me until I found out what it

The fear of the Lord is not being afraid of Him, rather, it is to love
what He loves and hate what He hates---Obedience. The lack of the true
fear of the Lord is what makes us vulnerable and keep us in danger

As Christians, we should live on the Word which is our Daily Bread and
discover more and more of what He wants us do but if we distance
ourselves to the Word, no matter how good your conducts are, no matter
how holy you think you are; you are vulnerable. We must be filled with
His Spirit and we know that Faith comes by hearing---hearing the Word
of God. What if we don't read our Bible and 'hear' the words of our
Lord, where is our Faith?

'If you love me, keep my commandments' were the words of Jesus. He
commanded us to love our God intensively and if we are to do that, we
must be ready to forsake all for Him---obey Him even in smallest bit.
So, how do we obey what we haven't heard?

Peter told us that the Devil is a roaring lion ever seeking for whom
to devour. The moment you get bored or tired of the Bible might just
be the time the Devil is trying to ensnare you. Blessed be God for
Greater is He that is in us than the so called god of this world which
means, our God is able to deliver us.

It is then expedient for we professors of faith in the Lord Jesus to
read His word fervently, prayerfully and maybe even bit by bit. The
main point is it must be part of our life-deeds, words and even
thoughts. It is then that we don't see as men but we see through God's
eyes. It's then we don't get afraid of circumstances because our love
has been made perfect. It is then we don't 'fear' for 'fear' itself
involves punishment but we know that love covers multitude of sins.

James also implore us to be 'doers' of the word not 'hearers only'
deceiving ourselves. So, a person who doesn't read or hear the word at
all is in what state? Deceit upon deceit? Well, pretty much appears
that way.

Wherever we may find ourselves, whatever we may be up to, no matter
what people thinks of you; don't be swayed by life, read your Bible.
It is dangerous if you fail to do so.

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ abides in us now and forever, Amen.

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