God, Life, Anything.

September 29, 2018

We All Need To Repent From Our Sins & Turn Back To God.

"Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." (John 3:3)

We are not oblivious to this message. The "born again" is not a new message. Because many preach this or talk about this, being born again has been a cliché and many even makes a jokes out of it. Overly used as it is today,  it's necessity in our lives is just immeasurable.
We need to be born again. We need to turn back to God. "Life is beautiful as long as it consumes you";  we've really got to stand up and truly live. Many of us today are caught up in life's frenzy and as busy as we are, we've forgotten our identity. The race primarily for money and other meaningless things has blindfold us to clearly see that we are journeying in a circle: Today we think we've filled our fantasy, tomorrow it sparkles. In many cases,  a lot of people die without ever truly living at all.

Our lives never consist in all materials things or momentary pleasures we strive for. Like we all know seasons come and go. Cars come and get outdated. When we die, we end up alone: alone with our works behind us. Why don't we just live for God and let death be gain for us? Like what Jesus Christ said in the verse above,  why don't we just be born again and reside ourselves in true Living Hope?

We all know that we can't trust anybody in life. We all know things fail.There is only One that never fails and His name is Emmanuel--God. Why don't just quit sin in lieu of wasting your life?  Sin is a cancer and whatsoever pleasure derived from it is an illusion. It is just like eating a food: if you eat a good food,  you grow healthy and if you eat a bad food,  you have an impaired growth and a short life span.  You will never have enough because our human nature is insatiable. Life consumes and dispenses and whatever you do today would be story tomorrow.

We should leave a good legacy. Our descendants should be proud of us. And if you think the only way to achieve your dreams or making your generation proud is to do all illegitimately is like building a castle of failure with all might. You'll never go any far. That's why we need Jesus. That's why all of us must heed his call and let him be in control. That's why we need to be born again, so that when we die, we will be happy while others are crying.

Jesus is the Way, Truth and Life. Jesus is the way and there is no other way. Come with all your worries and He has promised to give you rest. We need to turn to God and just like a child look up to our Father.

In the last day, when we'll be no more on earth, may we never cry or be eternally damned in Hell, but by the precious blood of Jesus be redeemed to Life.  Amen

Repent, the kingdom of God is at hand!

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