"Then I looked on all the works that
my hands had wrought, and on the
labour that I had laboured to do: and,
behold, all was vanity and vexation of
spirit, and there was no profit under the
sun."(Ecclesiastes 2:11)
There's a saying that life is like a pendulum bob: it moves to and fro. That's just what the above verse potrays: all the labour(the to and fro) under the sun is pure vanity. Does a pendulum bob go extra mile? No, once it gets to its maximum oscillating point, it goes back to its start point which simply doesn't make sense does it?
That's exactly what the journey of life is. Everything in life is vanity; generation comes and goes BUT the earth abides forever so, we're just trustees given authority over a few things for a limited time. So, why go extra mile for an acquisition of a vainglory? Why kill one another because of a vainglory? Why think about vainglory all the days of your life? Brethren, be wise!
"Let us hear the conclusion of the
whole matter: Fear God, and keep his
commandments: for this is the whole
duty of man."(Ecclesiastes 12:13)
That's it. That's why we are created-to serve God: Let's serve God with all our might that on the last day, we might by mercy from our Lord Jesus Christ hear our names called from the book of life into eternal life+++. Amen.
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