Purpose is crucial. Purpose is something tangent and mostly misunderstood. Many of us are just living and we don't even know what we want in life. Many a person is died without a single knowledge of who truly he is.
It's very lethal to be caught up in that state. It's deadly because you only live once and living a life without definiteness of purpose and purpose would simply waste your time -your life.
Purpose is as important as living life itself. Purpose should be the essence of living. Examining the creations of God, we would realize that God carefully and purposely selected many things to be in place. The sky, moon, sun and atmosphere are not just there. The serve purpose and they do so. Because the sun shines and gives energy, we could do many things and acknowledge it presence. So is it with us, we are not just here. We're carefully selected and placed here to get many things accomplished. Unfortunately, many of us have drifted away from what we're called to do and just caught up in vain things.
Many people will never get what they want in life regardless of how hard they try. It's not that they are cursed but they are working hard in the wrong way. And no matter how hard they work in the wrong way, they will never be right. That's why it's important to go back to your Source. That's why we should all uncover the veil behind our identity and do the needful.
Not every one are meant to do the same thing. Our strengths and weaknesses differ. Alas! Many people do not even know their strengths or weaknesses; let alone major in their strength and fix that weakness.
Dear Reader, we're not here for long. In years to come, you'll certainly be history like your great grand father. If you don't find your purpose now and do what you're created to do now, when will you? A life of no impact is a life of no value and a life without a destination is not as good no life.
The surest way to know and do what you're created for is to get closer to your Creator-God. It's a personal thing not a religious thing. Get closer to Jesus, know what you're purpose is, act accordingly and do not drift away. Do this, and you'll realize that you and many great accomplishment authors have things in common...
Matthew 25:14-30
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