God, Life, Anything.

July 09, 2020

We Should Gain Mastery In Something

We can’t all be perfect. We can’t always get everything we want. As a young man, one of the things I’ve learned so far about life is that the world we live in is so dynamic and change in an accelerating pace, both positively and negatively, depending on how we choose to see it. Nevertheless, things happen so fast. 

Today something trends, tomorrow something else pops up; an average human mind would try to be everything the world throws at him, forgetting the fact that, the things that would be thrown at him is seemingly endless. And in the end, he would looked at his pasts and realize he has really achieved nothing.

So as not to be swayed in the world of “noise” and “trends” we should gain mastery in something useful, something we love, something we desire. If we love it and we keep on doing it, it really doesn’t matter what the world throw at us, we just keep keeping on to what we love and we just quietly thrash out junks thrown at us. May it not be too late before we realize this I pray.

Have a blessed day.