We’ve heard it many times. We are very familiar with it. “Trust nobody”, “Be wary of friends”, “No one could be trusted”. As days go by and as we grow mature, these words, being often heard of, have almost become a cliché. Almost everyone knows of it but the weight and value, we do not understand.
A good friend once told me that it is good to learn from one’s mistake. But, it is better to learn from the mistakes of others. The fact that we have not experienced betrayal or maybe in simple circumstances, does not make these “common” sayings stupid. Many experienced people who has gone through the ups and downs of life would advise one to never joke with trust issues. Such a mistake could cost a lifetime.
While I am not saying trusting people is bad, I am only suggesting that we take the matter of trust seriously. We might not value it now, we will later. Be wary of whom you tell your plans, stories and accomplishments. We are opportune to choose who we like, but, those who likes us, we cannot.
If all seems well and okay with us, it’s good. Good Friendships are like smooth sailing boat on a calm river of fine fettle. However, things happen and we can learn from our mistakes—I suggest we learn from mistakes already made by others to avoid ourselves committing one.
Stay blessed.
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