God, Life, Anything.

August 21, 2017

Humility & Meekness : The Power to Overcome.

"Do ye think that the scripture saith

in vain, The spirit that dwelleth in us
lusteth to envy?
But he giveth more grace.
Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the
proud, but giveth grace unto the
humble." (James 4:5-6, KJV)
"Wherefore lay apart all filthiness
and superfluity of naughtiness, and
receive with meekness the engrafted
word, which is able to save your
souls." (James 1:21, KJV)
"Humble yourselves in the sight of
the Lord, and he shall lift you up.
" (James 4:10, KJV)

The above verses actually talk about the Grace our LORD GOD has for we
that humble ourselves before HIM; "the engrafted word" which is able
to save our soul.
As we continue in this age of Grace, we are not supposed to misuse our
liberty. We shouldn't let the notion of "Once saved; always saved"
exists in our mind. Of course, the world isn't a safe refuge to abode
ones hope. So, how do we overcome the world? How do we hail freedom
from the world's influence? How do we live a better life? The answer
to the questions is this: Meekness and Humility to the Master of the

The Bible tells us in James 2:7 (KJV): "Submit yourselves therefore to
God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."
In the above verse, we can see that the submission of oneself to God
works out sufficient grace". Grace that will make us resist the devil
and he will flee from us, isn't that victorious?
When God is with us, NOTHING, can stand and against for what is the
devil before our mighty God?

God has not call us into uncleanness but holiness hence we should be
subjected unto His will all times. Hence, there's no limitation for
us. We can't get addicted to anything in this world because our Father
has given the power to overcome ANYTHING.
"Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may
exalt you in due time" (1 Peter 5:6, KJV). When we're subjected to Him
by Meekness of Words and with Humility applying them, His Mighty Hand
makes us triumphant! We then become more than conquerors! Nothing then
becomes impossible for us!

Conclusively, we are the Chosen generation given the Greatest Gift:
Grace. So, let's cast our cares on Him and let Him fight our battles
so that we can start winning.
May the God of Grace gives us the power to overcome as we submit
ourselves to Him, Amen.

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