God, Life, Anything.

December 12, 2018

Why Should We Serve God?

" Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. " (Ecclesiastes:12:13)

As a Christian and Believer in Jesus, I've heard many things people do before they get want and after they got what they wanted. Let's say for example money: there are many instances where a person becomes devoted to God and the Church praying to God for financial breakthrough. And after God finally answers such an one prayer, mission accomplished, turns away.

Conversely, there are also instances of people seeking financial breakthrough, and they give up Church and things of God because they've waited a long time and still their prayer is yet to be answered.

Last Sunday, the sermon preached in my Church inspired this article as it featured in the life of Zacharias. According to Luke 1:6, Zacharias and Elisabeth "...were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless." Yet,  "...they had no child, because that Elisabeth was barren, and they both were now well stricken in years." (Luke:1:7)

These couples were very old and devoured to our God, but still, they have no child. I believe it's not a problem of sin for the Word said they were righteous. However, why do they continue to serve God? After all, they  were too old. Reading through the 8th verse, the Bible said,

"And it came to pass, that while he executed the priest's office before God in the order of his course, According to the custom of the priest's office, his lot was to burn incense when he went into the temple of the Lord. And there appeared unto him an angel of the Lord standing on the right side of the altar of incense. " (Luke 1:8-9; 11)

An angel of the Lord appeared to Zacharias while He was serving God. Despite His age, he never gave up. He kept on serving and serving. But when the angel told him his prayers were answered and the his son would be gteat, he doubted and said "...unto the angel, Whereby shall I know this? for I am an old man, and my wife well stricken in years. " (Luke:1:18) He was asking for a sign because he thought it was impossible. Though, he suffered his doubt by being mute, but still, after all has been done he was loosed and named the child.

From the life of Zacharias, we can see the benefits of serving God tirelessly. To hold on with Him, is what many can't do. But if Zacharias actually wanted to serve God because he solely wanted a child--though it was his major request--then, he would given up long ago. I believe we shouldn't serve God solely because we want something from Him. We should serve God because He Is God. I believe there is no other word around it.

He has given us eternal life, overcome for us, given us hope and will continue to grant our heart desires. A loving heart for God will continue to bless the Lord despite the trials he/she faces. A servant of God loves God not only because of His benefits alone but because He is his Master and he loves his Master. Let's make it our motive to always go through the Way. Let's make it our heart desire to love He that loved us first. As the Preacher said, "Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. "

In the Name of Jesus, we shall be faced with trials that would make us not serve God or love God or disbelieve in God or let peole mock our faith. We shall always be serving our God with happiness, joy, gladness of heard, divine elevation, peace and hope.


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